Aviary & Cage Birds at "tiny"

Nov 7- Dec 23 at Studio Gallery

Dear Friends,

I recently completed a series of small paintings incorporating antique trading cards - and they will be featured in the annual "tiny" show at STUDIO gallery. 

At my Open Studios, you may have seen a sneak peek of these pieces, or looked through my collection of antique trading cards. These little cards would come in a box of tea, dry goods, or even a pack of cigarettes, and featured a beautiful picture on the front and some interesting facts on the back.I've enjoyed using them as an element in my work over the years. They make a return appearance in my work - this set of 5"x7" paintings all feature "Aviary and Cage Birds" from the 1930s.

"tiny" is an exhibition not to be missed, bringing together hundreds of works, all under 7x7 inches. There are so many great gems to discover, and the show is always changing as pieces are sold and replaced. I hope I'll see you at one of the parties!

If you're interested in these little birds, let me know and I'll help you adopt one for your very own.

STUDIO Gallery, 1641 Pacific, San Francisco
tiny & HUGE
November 7th - December 23rd, 2019
opening reception: Sunday, Nov 10th, 11 am - 6 pm
16th Anniversary Party: Sunday, Dec 1st, 11 am - 6 pm
